Helpful Websites


The following list of websites is intended to be an aid as you travel your journey of discovery. While we have found these sites helpful, Decoding the Deception is neither endorsing the content of these sites nor the opinions of any authors. Always remember: Part of the journey is praying for a discerning spirit.

Technocracy News & Trends

This site is run by Patrick Wood. Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.


Whether it is market or events in the world “The Media” ignores, Tyler Durden and ZeroHedge bring relevant news and information to those willing to listen. This is a go to sight for gaining insight into our world.

The RAIR Foundation USA

RAIR Foundation USA (Rise Align Ignite Reclaim) is a grassroots activist organization comprised of everyday Americans leading a movement to reclaim our Republic from the network of individuals and organizations waging war on Americans, our Constitution, our borders and our Judeo-Christian values.

Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola has been a voice of truth and reason in the fields of health and medicine for 25 years. For that he has come under attack by the powers that be. He is a great source of truth on COVID-19, COVID Vaccines, Lock Downs and the “Great Reset.” In addition this site is a great source of information about healthy living and a healthy diet.

James Perloff

James Perloff is a widely respected author, speaker and expert on the New World Order and its hijacking of foreign policy.

US Debt Clock

Watch in real time as the us debt spins out of control. This sight is loaded with useful information on debt here in the United States and around the world.

The Expose

This site out of Great Brittan does true journalism. They are not afraid to go where the truth leads. Best of all, where possible they back up their analysis with the documentation they use as sources.

OpenVAERS Red Box Report

They promote the lies about Covid-19 mRNA gene therapies (They ARE NOT Vaccines). They mislead the world by telling us they are “safe and effective.” As long as they continue with those lies, this web link will be at the top of this list.

The Defender – Children’s Health Defense News & Views

This is the organization run by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a long time advocate for truth about vaccines. Kennedy takes on Big Pharma, Big Energy, Big Food, Big Tech and now, Covid-19 Vaccines.  This is a great resource.

No More Silence – Telling Our Stories

The Technocracy has shut down the opportunity for people to tell their stores about what the Covid-19 Vaccines have done to them. This site, along with “1,000 Covid Stories,” is for people to tell their stories about Vaccine Adverse Events. These are stories that put a human face on the damage done. Spend some time reading and watching for yourself and then send the link to your pro-vaccine friends.

1,000 COVID Stories

The Technocracy has shut down the opportunity for people to tell their stores about what the Covid-19 Vaccines have done to them. This site, along with “No More Silence – Telling Our Stories,” is for people to tell their stories about Vaccine Adverse Events. These are stories that put a human face on the damage done. Spend some time reading and watching for yourself and then send the link to your pro-vaccine friends.

Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

This is a great source of useful information on the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Some of their resources can be found in our Document Knowledge Base. Look under “Health/Ivermectin.

Vigilant Citizen

This site provides excellent insight into the Elite/illuminati’s use of media and pop culture to program the masses. Some of the content can get heavy. Wade in slowly. Be sure to go to the menu and begin where it says, “Read This First.”

Climate Viewer

My go-to site for education and information on Geoengineering, Weather Modification, HAARP and moe. Jim Lee is thorough and does his research. If you want to understand how your weather is controlled, Jim Lee will show you. If you doubt that the powers of this world control your weather, Jim Lee will enlighten you.

Freedom Force International

This is the website of the organization founded and run by G. Edward Griffin. Meticulous research combined with a well-reasoned analysis make G. Edward Griffin a legend in the alternative media/truth movement. When G. Edward Griffin talks, we all should listen.

Council on Foreign Relations Roster

Hit Ctrl-F to open the search feature on your browser then type in a name to see which of your favorite politicians, corporate leaders or members of the media is a member of the organization whose stated goal is a One World Government!

The Trilateral Commission Roster

This is a link to PDF document in our Document Knowledge Base. As with the CFR roster, hit CTRL-F to search or, just scroll around and learn about those who deem themselves the masters of your destiny.